Combine Single Sign-On with Access Management

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Enterprise Single Sign-On Manager: Striking the perfect balance between user convenience and security

In today’s complex business environments, there is a growing need for the perfect combination of accessibility and security. Balancing these often opposing requirements poses a significant challenge, even for seasoned IT professionals. Enterprise Single Sign-On Manager (E-SSOM) plays a vital role in the Tools4ever Identity Governance & Administration (IGA) suite. It provides a Single Sign-On experience for client-server applications, with the capability to expand to cloud-based access management.
Lees hieronder meer over de modules waarin E-SSOM wordt aangeboden.

Seamless access to multiple applications with the Automated Login (AL) module

The days of end users repeatedly logging into various applications are a thing of the past. This basic module ensures that a user only needs to authenticate once using their Active Directory username and password, eliminating the need to log in separately for each application. By automatically filling in the correct passwords and usernames, the Automated Login module handles all login screens for an end user automatically. End users can log in effortlessly, enhancing productivity.

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Toegang tot alle applicaties met één login

Medewerkers hebben moeite om de vele – vaak complexe – wachtwoorden te onthouden. Dit resulteert in onveilige situaties en veel wachtwoord reset aanvragen bij de helpdesk. Automated Login zorgt ervoor dat een gebruiker maar één wachtwoord hoeft te onthouden, want onze Single Sign-On software handelt automatisch alle verdere inlogprocedures af.
E-SSOM ondersteunt 100% van het applicatie- en systeemlandschap en voor het configureren van de applicaties voor Single Sign-On is geen afstemming met de applicatieleverancier nodig.

Voordelen Automated Login


Gebruiksgemak en productiviteitsverbetering omdat gebruikers sneller kunnen inloggen.

Reductie password reset calls

Sterke reductie van het aantal wachtwoord reset calls doordat eindgebruikers nog maar één complex wachtwoord moeten onthouden.

Veilig en compliant netwerk

Een veilige authenticatiemethode resulteert in een veilig en compliant netwerk.

Expanding SSO to the cloud with HelloID

Providing Single Sign-On access to cloud applications used to be complex, but that’s a thing of the past. With Tools4ever’s HelloID, employees can access (cloud) applications using any device (including BYOD) such as a computer, tablet, Android or smartphone, by simply entering their Active Directory username and password once. This means that employees no longer need to remember multiple passwords and usernames for various (cloud) applications, resulting in increased productivity. Learn more about HelloID.