Our IGA Solutions

An overview of all our software solutions for Identity Governance & Administration.

Identity Management

Our powerful Identity Governance & Administration solutions include all functionalities necessary to streamline the entire process surrounding the management of user authentication and authorisations.

HelloID is a 100% cloud-based solution, easy to implement and manage on a daily basis. If you’re seeking a cloud solution, HelloID is the optimal choice.

More about HelloID

IAM is Tools4ever’s on-premise solution for complex and demanding Identity Management implementations. The quality of the product and the phased implementation method guarantee success.

More about IAM

UMRA, focused on user & resource management, is our first-generation identity management product. UMRA is a flexible product, and we have realised nearly every complex user management scenario.

More about UMRA

An out-of-the-box solution allowing end-users to reset their Active Directory password themselves, 24/7. This eliminates delays and the need for helpdesk assistance, reducing the number of password reset calls to the helpdesk by more than 90%.

More about SSRPM

By ensuring that all passwords are the same across the board and remain so, daily work for the end-user can be made easier. With Password Synchronization Manager (PSM), end-users receive the same password in every system or application.

More about PSM

An extensive solution for Single Sign-On and Authentication Management that relieves end-users of the burden of multiple logins and enhances information security. A user needs to log in just once and remember only one password.

More about E-SSOM