HelloID CertificationsHelloID Provisioning HelloID Service Automation
CertificationsMicrosoft Gold Partner ISO27001
IndustriesEducation (PO/VO/MBO)
Visit websiteContact partnerAbout SPEYK
SPEYK ensures an improvement in the quality of modern education and more efficient operations. This complete service makes SPEYK the modern technology partner for boards and schools in the Netherlands. The best education for every child today and a fair chance for tomorrow. That is SPEYK’s intrinsic motivation in the journey towards the best digital experience for everyone.
- DigiPlein365
- Advice
- Management
- Digital adoption
- Microsoft technology
- Apps
- Secondment
- Trainingen
SPEYK x Tools4ever
Samen voor het onderwijs! Wij werken samen met Tools4ever om onderwijsinstellingen het meest complete aanbod te bieden.
HelloID Services
- Advice
- Management
- Monitoring
- Support (24/7)
- Support office hours
- Technical Implementation

Get in touch with SPEYK!
Erwin Peters Chief Commercial Officer, SPEYK
Contact Erwin PetersVisit LinkedIn profile